When I first read the term "weed pot", the word "reduntant" immediately came to mind. Weed pots are a great transition betweem centers turning and face turning.or hollow vessel turning.
These first two, one in basswood and one in redwood, are basically spindles - with an egg. If I was to do the redwood piece again I'd do three loose rings rather than three beads.
The next two are wooden versions, in basswood, of ceramic shapes. The basswood has very little visible grain so it's the shape that is emphasized rather than the wood. I'm guessing that if I can get shapes right then interesting grain and color will just make pieces nicer and more interesting.
Another mellaleuca and some apricot with some bark left on and two flat "facets" around the girdle.
Pear wood and a piece turned from a freshly cut pepper tree branch (I'll turn anything)
To put things in perspective . . .