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Time to see if what you THINK you've learned, and what you've ACTUALLY learned are the same. Look at these examples - WITHOUT reading the text above them. CAn you recognize twisted pieces? Can you tell how many centers were usedfor each sample? Can you see that some are twisted ClockWise and some are twisted Counter ClockWise? CAn you spot where the centers on their axes are closest together? (hint: look for the "hip") If you have to cheat and read the description - go back and review the CONCEPTS pages and try again. Maybe go play with the Virtual 3D models in SketchUp where you can move around the examples in order to see things more clearly. Remember, with multi axes turning - YOU HAVE TO THINK DIFFERENT ( to quote and Apple ad campaign). You're not in Roundville anymore Toto.
When you can look at an example and have a pretty good idea of how it was done (link CAUSE to EFFECT) you'll be ready to look at some interesting more aesthetically pleasing turnings - done by Peter Rand. To Peter's Pieces ------------->